
60% of Treasurers See Role as Financial GPS in Transportation

60% of Treasurers See Role as Financial GPS in Transportation

Transport companies depend on road maps, so why do they ignore their treasury teams?

Despite its role in managing cash flow, liquidity planning and risk alleviation, the treasury secretary in transportation today can find themselves smuggled from strategic decisions. This censorship is not just a lost opportunity. It is costly.

The transport and logistical services industry faces unprecedented financial pressure. High costs, increase organizational audit and transfer consumers’ demands forcing companies to rethink their financial strategies. A cabinet can You play a pivotal role In navigation in these challenges if you give the opportunity.

In 2025, the Treasury is not just a process of forming back beans. It can be a secret weapon worth publishing.

PYMNTS Intelligence Report “The effect of misunderstanding of the treasury in the transport sector“I found a separation between the treasury secretary and the heads of other departments in the transport sector. While 60 % of the treasury secretary see themselves strategic players, only 33 % of department heads realize their impact. The result? Companies? Fail To use the full financial experience needed to push the ability to predict the strongest cash flow, reduce debt and enhance operational efficiency.

The issue of cooperation between departments

While the data places an argument for the strategic importance of the cabinet, the institutional barriers are still ongoing. Nearly half of the heads of departments in the transport and logistical services sector said that their companies require greater cooperation between the departments, which are the highest shares among the industries included in the survey.

The implementation of a meaningful change requires a deliberate shift in how The cabinet is seen and placed inside the organizations. One of the first steps is to increase the clarity of the treasury at the executive level. Treasury professionals only should report numbers; It must provide visions of the company’s strategy.

Treasury guarantee It is included In the main financial discussions, it will help them bridge the gap between processes and financial planning, and improve the lightness of movement and flexibility.

Organizations that crash silos and integrate the treasury into strategic decisions will get a competitive advantage. By recognizing the value of the treasury secretary he brings – and not only the finances Gate guards, But as strategic partners-companies can open new competencies, enhance liquidity and put themselves for long-term success.

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How can the Treasury Financial Shipping

When the cabinet companies treat as a strategic function, they gain a competitive advantage. Thanks to their deep understanding of the financial courses and risk exposure, the treasury is well placed to provide solutions-but only if they are enabled to do so.

60% of Treasurers See Role as Financial GPS in TransportationThe benefit of increasing the sharing of cabinet is to improve debt management. The report found that 70 % of the Treasury Secretary said that close cooperation with other departments would help reduce corporate debts. By working more closely with purchasing teams and corporate strategy, the treasury can improve worker capital and determine ways to reduce borrowing costs.

CCCS is another field in which the cabinet can pay a concrete effect. With the interruption of the supply chain, it becomes the base, not the exception, transport companies Need Ensure that payments and those with arrest Run Efficiently.

According to the report, 66 % of the cabinet They said they see CCCS fastest as a direct benefit to increase cooperation. this This means Merging the treasury visions into the broader decisions, companies can shorten the time it takes to convert shipments into revenues – an advantage in an industry that can make liquidity restrictions or profitability.

The bottom line? tasty Companies place the treasury secretary on the table. Those who continue To treat The cabinet as a later idea maybe Delayed and lost opportunities. The future belongs to companies that think after the public budget and adopt the treasury as a basic corner of the strategy.

To read more, download “The effect of misunderstanding of the treasury in the transport sector

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